I dont usually write posts, I mostly share process or finished pictures of the work I do. I am not very good at writting and trying to explain what my work is all about. I have a hard time accepting that the written language has a control system of what is right or wrong, correct or incorrect. I believe that form of control does have a affect on reality, our language is finite to express completely the wonder of mystery of the cosmos. The visual language is the beguinning of teaching that language, So please bare with me.
In 2007 I created a new world called "The new gods in spanish, Los Nuevos Dioses" based on a the work of one of the foremost masters of the comic form Jack "King" Kyrby. Master of the american genre's of comics, from his pencil he created new worlds and parrallel universes that have touched us all with his wonders of superheroes characters, villians, heroes, war stories, love and romance and cosmic worlds.
google him: https://www.google.com.mx/search?q=jack+kirby&client=firefox-a&hs=ZK6&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=sb&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=iuLZU8iUFoipigKAmoHwCw&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAQ&biw=1407&bih=765
I dont the names or dates on the pieces, look for them for your self at the above link.
JACK KIRBY documentary Part 1 of 5
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rM4HqngYqO8JACK KIRBY documentary Part 2 of 5
part 3
part 4
part 5
His work has inspired in me, his cosmics worlds completely changed how I see things. The New Gods from DC comics was the first thing I read when I saw Deppak Chopra and Grant Morrison in comic-con on their first panel 7 the seven of super heroes.
watch here:
Grant Morrison talked about myths, archetypes, superheroes and cosmic worlds. He mentioned the book "The New Gods" by Jack "King" Kirby. I had read Invicibles by Grant and it completely also changed my concioussnes, I higly reccomend it, it is like a bunch of mind drugs taken at the same time and having each one working cohesively that gets you so high that it does give you a trip.
I just love this guy, he just makes me smile.
So this also changed changed the work I was doing, I had started creating a world in 2007 after I had destroyed the world before, when I saw "worlds" it is my artwork done in the past. It is a narrative, it was a more fragmented narrative before, it was a series of paintings telling fragments of a larger narrative that at the time that I had not figured out in my head. It ended in the world being destroyed, I glearned that their are no opposits only complementarys. There where two beings el jardinero y Rey Capitalista.
From the work I did from 2001 to 2006 is the "The Old World" a work of the border living in Tijuana, Mexico. This world was inspired by Joseph Campbell. It is hard to express myself how I have been awaken by his work, it puts all the storys of humanity and focuses on the comparative methaphorical as archetypes. Archetypes are the first patterns collectiveness represented in stories.
The Power of Myths
Back to Grant Morrisons work, his work led me Robert Anston Wilson and the dyscordians. To his books and philosophies, funny, smart, visionary. His books the Illuminatis Trilogy influenced my new work that started in 2007.
Robert Anton Wilson - Techniques of Consciousness Change
Wich leads me to this
My Secret Societer comic book that I am currently working on you can see 12 pages, wich is hte reason I started this blog post, damm look at all my fragmented thoughts...I need more practice. I just realized that I am all out of writting ideas. At the star I had a lot of ideas I wanted to share about the comic book, I guess I will try again to explain next week.
I promise to excersize my writting ability and get better.
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